#SellerHacks 3 – Read Your Customer’s Minds Using the Competition

Ever wanted to read your customer's minds? Helium 10 gives you near-psychic powers with competitor intelligence tools that reveal answers.

This is the third installment of the #SellerHacks series. These are based on hacks shared by Bradley Sutton at the SellerCon event in Las Vegas.

The internet has been around in its current form for approximately 30 years now. In that time, we’ve steadily become more comfortable with the way we move around this vast virtual universe. 

Powerful, ever-evolving search engines and their native algorithms power our web-based navigational endeavors and do their best to get us where we want to go. 

But, where is that exactly?

Well, that depends if we’re talking about searching on Google or on Amazon.  

Google was built by tech-savvy scientists, and according to Google, with a mission to, “Organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful” 

If you are researching products or looking to purchase something, we’re talking about another search engine altogether.

While Google is busy fine tuning an algorithm that continues to explore the intricacies of human language, Amazon’s A9 algorithm  serves one purpose only—to understand searches well enough to rank products based on the likelihood that someone will buy them.

When we consider that there are currently over 500 million products listed on Amazon.com, and more than two-thirds of clicks happen on the first page of Amazon’s search results—selling products on Amazon is not as simple as sitting on our hands, waiting for someone to find your product.  

We’ve got to put some thought into the process. 

First of all, let’s eliminate the first of the two main types of Amazon buyers; those who are brand shopping and really don’t care about reviews.  

They know what they want already.  

As Amazon sellers, we are almost entirely focused on the second of the two types; those that are not married to any one brand. They are wide open to all possibilities.  

The second buyer is looking for a product that meets their needs and in some way, creates an emotional connection with them. 

How do we, as Amazon sellers help them connect the dots?

We read their minds, that’s how.  

Mind reader

Because, as Bradley will explain in the video, not only are there two principal types of eCommerce shoppers, often buyers are also of two minds when it comes to looking for products online. 

Much of the time, buyers are searching for one thing, but they are thinking about something else altogether.  

How do we know this? 

That’s where hack number three comes in.  

The Hack

Let’s take a closer look at a specific product for sale on Amazon.  

  • First, make sure that you’ve downloaded Helium 10’s Chrome extension. (it’s free!)
  • Then, we’ll select the same product that Bradley will be discussing in the video, ZanMex Collagen Peptides.  
  • In Amazon’s product page, search for and choose the product.  
amazon product

Take a look at the title. Absolutely full of what appear to be keywords in phrase form.

That’s a lot to think about.  More to the point, is that really what a buyer is really thinking about?

Let’s find out. 

What Helium 10’s Review Downloader allows you to do is to go into the reviews for any product and see what buyers love, or dislike about the products that they’ve purchased on Amazon. 

  • Using Helium 10’s Chrome extension, in the product page on Amazon, click the Review Downloader button, set your parameters and press Extract. 
amazon product review
  • Then, choose the Analysis window and take a look at what we’ve found. 
amazon product reviews
  • These are the top phrases related to this product.  See any of the title keywords in these top three? 

 Nope, neither do I.  

  • What we do see is an example of what a buyer might actually be thinking about, or hoping for, when they’re searching for a product on Amazon.  
amazon customer review
  • Buyers are looking for a collagen peptide that they can put “in their coffee.” 

They’re probably not looking for grass-fed, hydrolyzed or pasture-raised.  Those are all nice attributes and they’re possibly happy to have them, but if it really mattered to the buyers, they’d be expressing it in the reviews.  

Why This Hack Works

Why do buyers leave reviews?  

Emotion, that’s why. 

Whether it’s someone who is thrilled with a purchase or disgusted with a product, it’s emotion that is going to cause someone to take the time to write a review

The buyers in the middle, for whom the product was just ok, are not really going to give you the emotional data that you require to make the connection you need.  But buyers who leave reviews will. 

That’s why reviews are the secret sauce that will help you understand what a buyer truly feels and what they might have in the back of their minds while searching with well intentioned keywords that often times don’t do a very good job of connecting those emotional dots. 

So, make sure that you know what prospective buyers are feeling when they’re searching for a product to buy.  

If you’re not already a member, get started for free with Helium 10’s All-In-One Software Tools for Amazon Sellers and make sure to install the Chrome Extension 

Then, you’ll know what’s on your buyer’s minds, sometimes before they do.  
Check out the whole hack here...

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