The Most Powerful Keyword Research Tool – Magnet 2.0 by Helium 10

Helium 10 has crafted the ultimate Amazon keyword research tool available today! We are happy to announce the unveiling of Magnet 2.0! The clunky parts that needed work have been updated to let Helium 10 users better refine their keyword searches and bring in more valuable listing keywords than ever before.

Magnet 2.0 has been overhauled with new features to create quite possibly the most potent keyword research tool in the world – only offered by Helium 10!

We wanted to craft the ultimate Amazon keyword research tool available today, so we tinkered with our classic Magnet tool from our Helium 10 software suite and are happy to announce the unveiling of Magnet 2.0!

The clunky parts that needed work have been updated to let Helium 10 users better refine their keyword searches and bring in more valuable listing keywords than ever before.

Check out the new and improved Magnet 2.0 below:


Magnet 2.0 adds another few layers of Amazon keyword research customization and categorization:

The new Magnet 2.0 keyword research tool interface has added new ways to segment your keyword discoveries.

  1. Enter your seed keyword in the Keyword box and select which Amazon marketplace you want to search; click Search to bring up your results in seconds.
  2. The blue Seed Keyword area displays an overview of your search results, including the original seed keyword, exact volume of search, broad volume of search, and the number of competing products targeting your entered keyword.
  3. The pink Top Products area reveals the top products that are currently dominating your chosen keyword with a shortcut to perform reverse ASIN searches in Cerebro.
  4. The yellow Related Keywords area categorizes the keyword research results into shared word groupings, and display the number of keywords found with the indicated word.
helium 10 tools

By selecting a grouping of keywords, Magnet 2.0 will filter out all other keywords and only display ones that include the grouping word. For example, by selecting “kids” in the Related Words area, the keyword list below now only shows keyword phrases with the word “kids” included.

helium 10 magnet

Additional advanced filters can also be applied, including the following:

  • Word Count – Select the number of words in the keyword phrase.
  • Show phrases that contain: – Show only keyword results with your designated word entered here.
  • Exclude phrases that contain: – Remove all keyword results that have your chosen word included within.
  • Magnet IQ Score – An advanced feature that filters based on Magnet’s algorithm to determine the best keywords for your search terms<./li>
  • Exact – Displays keyword results that only match a specified Exact Phrase Search Volume amount (pictured below).
  • Broad – Displays keyword results that match a more extensive selection of Broad Phrase Search Volume.
  • Competing Products – Display keyword results with a specified number of competing ASINs trying to rank for that keyword.
keyword research tool

Once you have your desired results, you can export your new keyword list as a CSV file, Excel file, or directly to Frankenstein, Helium 10’s word processing tool for further filtering and refining.

keyword research tool, magnet 2

If you’re not a Helium 10 member yet and you sell on Amazon, what’s holding you back? Sign up here today to take advantage of this toolset.

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Do you have more questions about Magnet and the Helium 10 suite of software tools? Let us know in the comments below!

Original post from The Most Powerful Keyword Research Tool – Magnet 2.0 by Helium 10

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