Introducing Negative Keyword Suggestions

We’re excited to announce the birth of our second set of suggestions! In addition to Bid Suggestions, now we offer Negative Keyword Suggestions. Login to see the new Negatives tab under Suggestions!

What Are Negative Keywords?

Negative keywords are a crucial ingredient in high-performing Amazon PPC campaigns. They save you money on keywords that don’t convert, thereby helping you focus your ad spend on keywords that make sales. There is no substitute for using negatives. As we explain in depth in our blog post on Creating Negative Keywords, they are the fastest way (by far) to reduce your ACOS.

How do Negative Keyword Suggestions work?

It’s important to generate negative keywords as fast as possible, but not faster. Instead of having generic guidelines for negative keywords, we analyze your average order value and conversion rate for each ad group over the last 90 days. Then we recommend making a negative keyword if you could have expected a sale given the number of clicks or amount of spend a search term had. This approach helps you make good decisions based on your business, not just a rule of thumb.

Can I Automate My Suggestions?

You can!

What about Keyword Suggestions?

Prestozon also has New Keyword rules to help you find manual keywords that we think will be successful for your ad groups.  Suggestions for these rules can be found in the Suggestions tab under New Keywords.


Hope you enjoy the Negative Suggestions. Let us know in the comments or at

Original post from Introducing Negative Keyword Suggestions – Helium 10

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