How to Get Page One Ranking on Amazon with Giveaways – Helium 10 Cerebro CPR Columns

Get to page one ranking on Amazon for your desired keywords by utilizing discounted products to boost initial sales via the Cerebro Product Ranking method!

Helium 10 users can see how many discounted products (AKA giveaways) must be sold at product launch to achieve page one ranking on Amazon for desired keywords.

If you are a current Helium 10 user, you may already be familiar with the CPR Method of achieving page one ranking on Amazon for your targeted keywords created by Manny Coats.

Part of this method for bringing your new product to page one requires two things:

  • Using a 2-Step Custom Storefront URL
  • selling a certain amount of your inventory at hefty discounts to generate initial sales (AKA giveaways) over the course of eight days

To know how many units must be sold with discount coupon codesCerebro by Helium 10 calculates and displays the precise number of units needed to optimize the listing for page one ranking on Amazon.

Check out how to use the CPR columns in Cerebro by Helium 10 here:


To see what your giveaway target number is for particular keywords, log into your Helium 10 member account and access Cerebro from your dashboard.


Once in Cerebro, click on a product you have performed a reverse ASIN search are tracking keywords for, and you will open your keyword list.

In the list, you will see a variety of columns that detail different aspects of individual keywords. On the far right side, you will see the two CPR columns directly related to the CPR method: CPR Total Giveaways and CPR Daily Giveaways.

The CPR Total Giveaway column calculates the total number of units you need to sell at a discount over the entire eight-day period as per the CPR Method of achieving page one ranking on Amazon for that keyword.

The CPR Daily Giveaway column takes the total amount of units from the previous column and divides it by eight days to make it more manageable from a daily sales standpoint.

For more information on Helium 10 tools, check out our YouTube Channel for more tutorials.

Original post from How to Get Page One Ranking on Amazon with Giveaways – Helium 10 Cerebro CPR Columns – Helium 10

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