How to Apply and Get Approved to Sell on

Are you an Amazon seller? If so, you might be perfectly positioned to take advantage of another huge marketplace,!

The marketplace has been historically cautious about who they allow to sell on their platform. Their difficult application process and strict requirements have been a roadblock for many e-commerce sellers. This has prevented a large number of sellers from taking advantage of a great opportunity. 

However, if you are an established Amazon seller, expanding to is now easier than it has ever been. Being an established e-commerce seller will give you an advantage with your acceptance process because it proves that you have all of the qualifications necessary to sell to Walmart customers as well. Keep reading for guidance on how to apply and get accepted as a seller on  

Apply to Sell on

Applying to become a seller on only takes a few minutes. Here are the items that you need to have ready for your seller application:

1. US Business Tax Id. (SSN not accepted)

2. W9 or W8 and EIN Verification Letter from the Department of Treasury that verifies your US business address or place of physical operations. (You will need to attach this as a PDF)

W9 or W8 and EIN Verification Letter from the Department of Treasury that verifies your US business address or place of physical operations

3. United States business address or place of physical operations. 

setting up walmart seller account (i.e. United States business address or place of physical operations)

4. Primary product categories, catalog size, and related information (e.g. total number of SKUs you will be selling on, monthly revenue, used vs refurbished, etc.) 

Primary product categories, catalog size, and related information section

5. A list of marketplaces where you currently sell, along with direct links to your products and stores. 

specific link requirements for your account

6. An explanation of why you are a good fit for the Marketplace. marketplace requirement question:

You must completely fill in every line and upload all required documents before being allowed to go to the next step in the application. That’s why you will want to make sure that you have everything ready before you get started because you can’t skip ahead or save it as a draft. 

Once you submit your application, the verification process normally takes only a few weeks. To check your application status after you have applied, you can go here and fill out your info to get an update.

You will get an immediate response regarding the status of your application. You can check it as many times as you would like to while you are waiting to hear back from When you are approved, you will receive an email, so constantly checking on your status is not absolutely necessary. 

How long does it take for the Approval Process on Walmart Marketplace?

The approval process can vary, but you can be accepted anywhere from within 24 hours to 4 weeks. If it has been longer than 4 weeks, you will need to open a ticket with seller support in your Walmart seller account to check the status. In order to open a support ticket go to, click on the “support” tab and select “Password or Other Access Issue” then click “other access issue,” to message support via email. 

In your message, provide all necessary information about your Walmart account, such as your business name, the email address that was used to sign up, and previous listing quality such as an Amazon seller. Be sure to have a clear explanation of your issue as an interested Walmart Marketplace seller. 

Why did Walmart Marketplace Deny My Application?

There are several reasons why Walmart Marketplace might potentially deny your application. Here are some common reasons for your application to be denied:

Your Business Does Not Have High Enough Revenue Per Year

Walmart is looking for experienced e-commerce sellers who show a consistent and steady number of sales. Walmart Marketplace has not released official numbers, but we recommend having at least $500,000/year in total sales on Amazon and/or other e-commerce marketplaces. Some sellers have reported having fewer sales per year and were still accepted.

Your Product Catalog Isn’t Unique

Walmart Marketplace is looking for new items that will enhance its catalog. They tend to stay away from hundreds of the same products on their site. Put your best foot forward on the application by showcasing the uniqueness of your company and products. Prove why your product deserves to be a Walmart product and why the Walmart customer would agree. 

You Provided Inconsistent Tax or Business Documentation

If there are any inconsistencies on your application, such as addresses or any other important information, you will be denied. Save yourself time and frustration by making sure that all of your information is accurate before hitting the submit button. 

Lack of E-Commerce Experience

Walmart Marketplace is looking for experienced e-commerce sellers. If you are new to e-commerce, it would be best to start selling on Amazon, Ebay, or Shopify first to ramp up your sales and experience before you apply. Selling on multiple platforms is always good for business, ask any Amazon seller. 

Essentially, Walmart is interested in a seller portfolio showcasing product data as proof of e-commerce expertise.

Without the e-commerce experience, newbies are almost certainly going to be rejected, and unfortunately, a rejection will make it harder for you to apply in the future. Our advice is to wait until you have a good amount of experience with other marketplaces and third-party sellers before you apply. 

Failure to Meet Customer Service Requirements

Walmart asks you to provide links to your current website and links to your stores on Amazon marketplace, Ebay, or other platforms. They take a look at your seller account, including your reviews. Note: If you have a low rating or customer complaints, you will certainly be rejected. Spend time in your seller account to optimize your product ratings are high before you apply to Walmart Marketplace. They are looking for sellers who provide a high level of customer service with a pro seller badge. 

Product Review Ratings are Low

Walmart not only looks at a Walmart seller’s rating, but they also look at its product reviews. If your product is low quality, has poor reviews, or ranks low in its product category, you will have a problem securing a spot on Walmart Marketplace.

You Do Not Have a Reliable Fulfillment

Walmart Marketplace wants sellers who can fulfill products quickly and efficiently. If you do not have your own warehouse or use a third-party service such as Deliverr for fast and reliable fulfillment, you will probably be rejected. 

Walmart app on a smartphone and a miniature shopping cart with packages spilling out

What Are Walmart Marketplace’s Product Requirements for Sellers?

Walmart US allows a broad range of products in their Walmart Store. However, there are some limitations for certain products and categories. Before working with a Walmart supplier or Walmart fulfillment service, much like Amazon FBA, you need to do product research. 

If you would like to check to see if you can sell your specific product on Walmart Marketplace, you can get more specific information here.

If you are interested in selling on Walmart Marketplace, click here to start your application today!

Can International Sellers Apply to Sell on

Currently (with one exception), international sellers are not being accepted on The only way an international seller can become a seller on is if they are a multinational seller. What this means to is that the business has a physical entity in the U.S., from which they are able to provide customer service, shipping, and return services to customers. The business must also have a W9 form and pay taxes in the United States. 

The Take-Away

If you are a current Amazon seller that meets all of the above criteria, now is the best time to start selling on because there is so much opportunity. So, if you’re ready to expand your business and you have a base in the U.S., should be on your roadmap to expansion.

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