How I got back $5,278.25 from Amazon in 48 Hours

If you’re selling products on Amazon through the FBA program, there is a good chance you are owed money. If you are selling a lot of products every month, there is a good chance that Amazon owes you thousands of dollars in unpaid reimbursement payments.

You’re an Amazon seller. You’re busy. When you’re in the thick of managing inventories, products, shipments and orders, you might not have time to scrutinize your seller account in great detail, and more specifically, claim back the reimbursements that could be owed to you by Amazon.

If you’re selling products on Amazon through the FBA program, there is a good chance you are owed money. If you are selling a lot of products every month, there is a good chance that Amazon owes you thousands of dollars in unpaid reimbursement payments.

Making Amazon Reimbursement Easier

As an Amazon FBA seller, you’re putting your faith in Amazon and various logistic services to look after your inventory during transit and storage. Should products become damaged or lost during any part of these processes, you can make a claim under Amazon’s FBA Lost and Damaged Inventory Reimbursement Policy. You can choose whether to have a reimbursement to your seller account or to have the items replaced. In many cases, a reimbursement is the easier option.

But, here’s the thing. Amazon won’t always reimburse you automatically. You have to do the work. It doesn’t mean that Amazon is scamming you. It simply means you are responsible for making them aware of the reimbursements they owe you.

As you’ll know if you’ve been through it, the reimbursement process can be long, tedious and just another manual process that you have to stay on top of. Sure, it’s a potentially profitable process if you are owed money, but should you really have to jump through hoops to get the money that is rightfully yours?

I don’t think so. It’s why Helium 10 developed Refund Genie, an amazing new tool that is going to save you time, eliminate those hoops and make you money. Sounds great, right?

Show Me The Money – How Much Does Amazon Owe In Reimbursement Refunds?

Just to illustrate how great this is, here are the potential reimbursement refund totals for two million per year sellers – that’s me, Manny Coats, and Kevin King – over the past 18 months. Mine is the larger figure, and Kevin’s is the slightly smaller figure – pretty impressive and it gives you an idea of what you could be owed based on your own selling stats. I say “potential” because this figure may include reimbursements that Amazon has already paid us automatically or which we have already claimed.

helium 10 Refund Genie
Amazon Reimbursements

I revealed these figures along with advanced selling techniques, exclusive insider info and proven marketing strategies on our last Illuminati Mastermind webinar.

Refund Genie – Take The Hassle Out Of Finding Amazon Reimbursements

Refund Genie essentially does most of the legwork for you, helping you to discover how much you could be owed by Amazon and how to claim back what you are owed quickly and without the mind numbing administration that is usually involved. It takes just one click to see what you are owed, and then another click to download the reimbursement report it generates for you.

The reimbursement report you get from Refund Genie is gold.  It contains everything you need to start getting your money back.   All you need to do is copy and paste the message from the report into a new case you open with seller support, and then attach one of the excel sheets that Refund Genie provides.  Rinse and repeat.   It couldn’t be made more simple.

It’s completely free to discover how much you are owed. If you want to download the reimbursement report that you need to send to Amazon, you’ll need to have a paid subscription to Helium 10’s awesome tools for Amazon sellers. And let me tell you something, when you see how much you could easily claim back, I think you’ll agree that Refund Genie is worth the subscription fee on its own!

There are other refund services on the market, but they often come with hefty fees.  One such service charges you 25% of whatever is collected.  In my case, that would have been over $1,200 in fees so far had I used them.   With Helium 10, you pay a flat fee of $97 per month and not only do you get access to Refund Genie, but you get to use the other 8 Amazon tools as well, including popular ones for keyword research, keyword tracking, indexing, hijacker alerts, brand gating, and more.

Another cool feature that I know you’re going to love is the ability to share your report with others. This is how we grabbed our reports above. There’s an included  camera icon on the report screen that allows you to share exactly how much you could be owed in reimbursements with others on Facebook groups, your website, your blog, etc.

Two pieces of advice when using Refund Genie or if you go at this alone:

  1. Only keep 5 cases open at a time. Wait for one to close before you open another, or Amazon often times will merge cases together, and this may elevate the case to a supervisor which can delay things.
  2. Only submit 5 transaction ID’s per case. If you submit more than this, it is likely that the case will get elevated to a supervisor and again delay things.   Refund Genie provides reports in small chunks of ‘5 transactions’ each, so Refund Genie makes it easy for you.  Just attach one file to each case, and you’re all set.

I’d love to see your own reports, so why not get Refund Genie working for you now, and get clicking on that camera icon? It’s free to see how much you are owed, and the number might shock you. Best of all, you can claim your reimbursements quickly and easier than ever before by using our intelligent and intuitive new tool.

Original post from How I got back $5,278.25 from Amazon in 48 Hours – Helium 10

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