Creating Negative Keywords for Amazon Sponsored Products

Wise and experienced Amazon sellers know that Negative Keywords are crucial for high-performing Sponsored Product campaigns. Why? Because Amazon doesn’t know you sell poster hangers and not clothes hangers. You need to teach it.

Negative keywords (NKs) are far and away the fastest way to quickly reduce your ACoS.

In essense, Negative Keywords help you shift money from bad keywords to good ones. Regular NK hygiene leads to a lower overall ACOS (advertising cost of a sale) because you have reduced your spend for the same (or even increased) number of sales. In other words – more money for you.

Stop Wasting Money on Search Terms that Won’t Convert

It is vitally important to find and eliminate those search terms where you pay for clicks but get no sales — usually because they are not relevant to your product.

However, finding them can take a lot of time. It needs to be a regular process. Many Amazon sellers tells us they feel exhausted and bored by poring through the Amazon Search Term report for hours every couple of weeks, trying to find the search terms that will actually make a difference.

We agree. But fortunately, Prestozon now offers the easiest method available anywhere to create Amazon negative keywords.

Let’s take a deeper look:

To create NKs in Prestozon Analytics, go to the Search Term Explorer tab. The table is sorted by Spend by default to help you focus on the highest-impact search terms.

You’ll see a “Neg.” button next to every search term. Click to create Negative Keywords. Here you can create NKs across all relevant ad groups – this is a huge time saver.

A pink color highlights our Suggestions – our algorithms are confident that this search term is losing money (based on spend, sales, and clicks) and that you should create a negative keyword from it. These are conservative suggestions, so definitely feel free to find others.

The lightening icon is the Instant NK button – instantly create negative keywords with just one click. This will create an exact-match NK in every ad group where that search term appears. This is a super fast option if you know that search term is not a fit for your product.

If you want to pick ad groups, want to change the NK text or match type, or simply want to see how many ad groups will be affected, just click Neg. and this window will appear:

The default settings are an Exact match in all relevant ad groups. This is our recommendation, however you can change these and even edit the text of the Negative Keyword.

Exact or Phrase Match Type?

There are technically two available match types for NKs: phrase and exact.

  • Phrase match means that any queries containing the phrase “yoga mat” (in that order) will be filtered out.
  • Exact match means that only the exact query “yoga mat” will be filtered out.

We strongly recommend the Exact Match type, which is why we make it the default. Why? Negative keywords are powerful. Exact match types allow you to retain a fine-grained control over what search terms are removed.

Just Two Clicks for All Relevant Ad Groups

Once you’re happy with your text, ad groups, and match type, just click the Create button. Done!

Two-click setup with full visibility — That’s powerful.

Warnings Help Catch Special Characters Before They Cause Problems

Do you see an orange warning symbol instead of a lightening bolt? This helpful warning indicates that you need to edit the search term text before creating the Negative Keyword. Amazon doesn’t allow special characters (such as !,&,/,?,-,’) so Instant NK is not allowed — you’ll need to open the NK window to edit the text.

To Recap:

What’s the #1 most effective way to reduce your ACoS? Answer: regularly creating negative keywords.

And at just one second to create each new set of negative keywords, your PPC optimization can be much faster.


Original post from Creating Negative Keywords for Amazon Sponsored Products – Helium 10

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