Black Box Overview: Premium Amazon Product Research Tool

If you're looking for an Amazon product research tool with quick turnaround and quality results, Helium 10 is here to provide you with a comprehensive Black Box overview! Black Box by Helium 10 offers precise Amazon product research results in seconds to help sellers find their next product.

Black Box by Helium 10 provides thorough Amazon product research results in seconds to help sellers find their next product.

If you’re looking for an Amazon product research tool with quick turnaround and quality results, Helium 10 is here to provide you with a comprehensive Black Box overview!

In case you missed our unveiling announcement for Black Box, Manny Coats explained a bit of how the new software works and its purpose in your journey to find your next bestselling product. Now he will flesh out the new product research tool with a Black Box overview to show the many facets of filtration and customization in the results acquired.

Check out the quick Helium 10 Black Box overview below:


Black Box Overview

Different parameters and filters can be applied to any Amazon product search performed in Black Box. In the example below, the search results will be limited to products in the Baby category of Amazon with at least $10,000 in monthly revenue, no more than 200 reviews, one seller, and a review rating of four stars.

helium 10 black box

After clicking Search, well over 200+ results came back within a few seconds. Crucial information for every product is displayed in an easy-to-understand interface. The data shown includes the following:

  • Product Title
  • ASIN
  • Category
  • Seller
  • Fulfillment Type
  • Product Size Tier
  • BSR
  • Average Monthly Sales
  • Average Monthly Revenue
  • Product Price
  • Reviews
  • Number of Sellers
  • Actions Available
helium 10 tools

If you want to sort the results in a specific fashion, the “Sort by” drop-down menu offers multiple options to find the products you are looking for more quickly.

helium 10 black box

If you’re not a Helium 10 member yet and you sell on Amazon, what’s holding you back? Sign up here today to take advantage of this toolset:

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Do you have more questions about Black Box and the Helium 10 suite of software tools? Let us know in the comments below!

Original post from Black Box Overview: Premium Amazon Product Research Tool – Helium 10

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