Amazon Sponsored Brands Best Practices That Improve Your Ads

Enhance your Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads results with these 13 tips from professional advertisers.

If you’re looking to improve your Amazon Sponsored Brands Ads, you’re in luck. We’ve got some great tips for you from professional advertisers who know what it takes to succeed on Amazon.

Keep reading to learn more about utilizing data wisely, test and learn, and gauge impressions and click-through rate. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to improving your Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads results!

Amazon Sponsored Brands Best Practices: How To Use Data Wisely

A lot goes into using Amazon Sponsored Brand Ads, and it’s not always easy to know where to start.

These first four tips will help you get more from your brand’s existing ad performance data.

1. Utilize Search Term Report To Discover Quality Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of any good ad campaign, so it’s essential to take the time to find the right ones.

One way to do this is by using Amazon’s Search Term Report. This report showcases the terms people use to find products like yours on Amazon.

Add relevant keywords to your ad campaigns and track how they perform.

If you’re not sure which keywords to start with, take a look at your Search Term Report and select phrases with the highest search volume.

You can also use this report to negative out any irrelevant or low-performing keywords.

Just remember, it’s essential to watch your keyword performance over time and adjust as needed.

2. Analyze Click-Through Rate (CTR) And Detail Page Views (DPV)

The click-through rate and detailed page views for your brand’s ads are essential metrics to track.

Your click-through rate (CTR) measures how often people who see your ad end up clicking on it.

A high CTR is a good sign that your ad is relevant to your target audience.

Detail page views (DPV) are another tool to use. DPVs measure how often people who click on your ad view your product’s detail page.

This metric is important because it shows whether people are interested in your product after clicking an ad.

A high DPV means that your ad is excellently driving relevant traffic to your product’s detail page.

Look at your brand’s CTRs and DPV results over the past months. If you see a decline in either metric, it’s time to update your ad campaigns.

3. Test Landing Page Options And Learn From Your Results

A/B testing is an excellent way to check the efficiency of different ad versions to see which ones perform best.

Building ad campaigns isn’t easy, but creating multiple ad versions helps optimize ad performance.

A/B testing your ads, however, is simple. Update existing parts of your ads with different elements (such as headlines, descriptions, or images).

Then, run the new version and compare the results with previous ad campaigns you ran. 

Over time, continue testing, learning, and updating ads based on what you discover.

Keep in mind that it’s important to test one element at a time to identify which change is responsible for any positive results.

Testing different ad campaigns are helpful in discovering what works best with your customers.

4. A High Return On Ad Spend (RoAS) Equals High Return On Dollar

Another key metric to track is your return on ad spend (RoAS). RoAS measures how much revenue you generate for every dollar you spend on ads.

Optimizing your RoAS is a great way to ensure you’re getting the most from your ad budget. There are a few different ways to do it. 

  1. Adjust your bids to ensure you’re paying the right amount for each click.
  2. Add negative keywords to your campaigns.

RoAS is critical for brands that want to grow on Amazon, so always pay attention to this important metric.

Utilize Both Keyword And Product Targeting

Amazon advertisers can create ads that target either keywords or products. But which one is right for your business?

Both options have their advantages, so it’s not always easy to guess which is right for your brand. Here’s the difference between these options.

  • Keyword targeting shows your ads to people searching for specific phrases on Amazon.
  • Product targeting shows your ad to people viewing a product detail page.

Both keyword and product targeting options have benefits, so why not try both and measure what works best?

And if you’re creating sponsored ads to increase brand awareness, try both targeting options to see which one builds more online brand recognition.

5. Use All 3 Match Types To Maximize Return

When targeting keywords, you have the option to use three different match types: broad, phrase, and exact.

Broad match is the least restrictive and shows your ad whenever a search includes your keyword, even if it’s in a different order or with other words before or after it.

Phrase match is more restrictive and only shows ads when buyers enter keywords in the same order as an advertiser entered them.

Exact match is the most restrictive and only shows ads on searches that include your keyword or phrase with no other words before or after.

Using all three match types helps maximize your return on investment (ROI).

To use all three match types, simply create three separate ads for each keyword, and set the match type accordingly. 

This Amazon Sponsored Brands best practice will help you reach a larger audience and gain more qualified leads.

6. Match Keyword Intent To Your Landing Page

The next Amazon Sponsored Brands best practice is to match keyword intent to your landing page.

For example, if someone searches for “men’s running shoes,” they expect to visit a brand page that features men’s running shoes.

However, if you instead direct searchers to a brand landing page for women’s shoes, those buyers are less likely to convert because you didn’t meet their needs.

Matching keyword intent to your landing pages is vital if you’re aiming to improve your conversion rate and increase ad revenue.

Best Practices In Budgeting

The next three Amazon Sponsored Brands best practices deal with budgeting. A lot of advertisers find it difficult to budget for their ad campaigns. 

Overspending, underspending or bad product fit are just a few problems that can arise.

Therefore, it’s important to remember that your ad campaign is an investment, and you should plan accordingly. 

Helium 10 even has a bid suggestion feature that will help. Here are three Amazon Sponsored Brands best practices that will make sure you’re spending the optimal amount on your brand ads.

7. Budget Per Week For General Sponsored Brand Ads

When budgeting for general Sponsored Brand ads, it’s best to budget per week. Weekly budgets provide the flexibility to adjust ad spending as needed.

It’s also important to remember that your ad spend will fluctuate based on seasonality and other factors.

Set a weekly budget by going to the “Budget” tab in your ad campaign and selecting “Weekly.” Then, enter the amount you want to spend per week.

This Amazon Sponsored Brands best practice will help you keep your ad spend consistent, so you’ll never exceed your budget.

8. Budget An End Date For Campaign Sponsored Brand Ads

However, budgeting per week isn’t the correct option for all brands. If you’re running a campaign-specific Sponsored Brand ad, it’s best to budget with an end date in mind. 

Campaign-specific ads only appear for a limited time and prevent overspending.

To set a budget with an end date, go to the “Budget” tab in your ad campaign and select “End Date.” Then, enter the amount you want to spend and the date you want your ad to end.

This Amazon Sponsored Brands best practice will help you stay within your budget and avoid overspending.

9. Invest To Keep Your Campaign Running

Investing in your ad campaign is important to keep it running effectively. You should continually invest in your ad campaigns to make sure they are performing well.

One way to do this is to increase your budget as you generate more sales and conversions.

Of course, you’ll only want to increase the budget of your brand’s most successful ad campaigns. 

Otherwise, you will risk increasing the budgets of ad campaigns that don’t improve your bottom line.

10. Consider Cost Per Click

When budgeting for your ad campaign, consider your average cost per click (CPC). 

CPC is the amount you’re willing to pay each time someone clicks on an ad.

You can set your CPC by going to the “Budget” tab in your ad campaign and selecting “Advanced.” Then, enter the amount you’re willing to pay per click.

Review search terms, phrases, and product targeting options to determine whether your ads are too costly.

Then reduce any high CPC terms or products that aren’t converting well.

This is the best way to ensure you’re getting the most out of your ad budget.

11. Continually Adjust Your Target ACoS

Another Amazon Sponsored Brands best practice is to continually adjust your target ACoS.

Your target ACoS is the percentage of sales you’re willing to spend on advertising.

For example, if your target ACoS is 20%, that means you’re willing to spend $20 on advertising for every $100 in sales.

You can adjust your target ACoS by going to the “Budget” tab in your ad campaign and selecting “Advanced.” Then, enter the percentage you’re willing to spend on advertising.

Following this Amazon Sponsored Brands best practice doesn’t take much time, yet it can have a big impact on your ad campaign’s success.

Use Creative Content To Optimize Your Campaign Performance

The final two Amazon Sponsored Brands best practices all relate to creative content.

Creative content includes the images and text that appear in your ad.

Your creative content should be optimized to improve your campaign’s performance. Without optimizing your creative content, you’re likely missing out on sales.

12. Consider A Custom Headline

When creating your ad, you’ll want to consider a custom headline.

Your headline is the most important part of your ad and should be eye-catching and relevant to your product.

To create a custom headline, go to the “Creative” tab in your ad campaign and select “Headline.”

Then, enter the text you want to appear in your headline.

This Amazon Sponsored Brands best practice will help you create an ad that stands out and is relevant to your product.

13. Use Video Ads To Link Directly To Your Product Page

Another Amazon Sponsored Brands best practice is to create Amazon video ads that link to product pages.

Video ads are a great way to showcase your product and link directly to your product page.

Although some advertisers prefer ad types that are easier to create, like image ads, video ads can be more effective.

Thus, it’s essential to use a mix of ad types to find what works best for your product. 

Test video ads that link to product pages and see how much they increase sales and performance.

These Amazon Sponsored Brands Best Practices Will Improve Your Ad Performance

In conclusion, utilizing Amazon Sponsored Brands best practices will improve your ad performance.

By following the best practices in keyword targeting, budgeting, and creative content, you can create more effective ads.

As a result, you’ll see an increase in sales and conversions. So don’t wait any longer, try these Amazon Sponsored Brands best practices into action and see the results for yourself!

Get more from your brand’s Amazon sales channel.

Sunken Stone’s marketing agency for Amazon helps successful brands take their sales to new heights. Whether you’re a new or experienced seller, their team will help you navigate the ever-changing world of Amazon and maximize your brand’s potential on the platform.

Learn more about their marketing agency for Amazon.

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